A few weeks ago I traveled out of the country to Guatemala. While the trip was amazing, I came home with some severe stomach problems. I was unable to digest food for a week, my entire digestive schedule was off track and honestly it was the most uncomfortable and painful thing I have dealt with in a long time. I couldn’t figure out what was wrong with me, but my stomach was a rock and I couldn’t get my system back on track. Finally after a week I went to my doctor and tried a few different remedies to help – from magnesium citrate liquid, laxatives, drinkings tons of water, fiber, etc. You name it I tried it. Finally my body got back to normal but I talked to a nutritionist who deals with digestive concerns and she recommended that I try Natural Calm. I have since picked this up and started to add 1 tbsp in the morning and one in the evening and it has been helping me to feel so much better. Having had IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) years ago, likely a result of taking Accutane in my early 20s, this has really helped me with my stomach cramps and pain.
It has a flavor to it but it’s a bit tart and bitter so I mix it with some lemons, orange slices or lime slices as well. Normally I aim to drink up to a gallon of water a day so this helps me to get more down as well. I also like to add some mint leaves as well and sometimes cucumber which all seem to help with cleansing or digestion. This product is only around $15 I believe and also comes unflavored. If you are suffering from similar concerns than it might be right up your alley as well. Overall I have liked using this and it’s helped my stomach a ton. It also has some calming effects which can help if you have issues falling to sleep at night or with anxiety as well. (my own personal opinion).
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