Female Weight Training Workout Routine for Summer (Updated!)

Female Weight Training Workout – Sample for New Program

Hey ladies, below is my current and update weight training routine. I have been off of my workouts for a few weeks during my moving but now back in the gym and stepping up with this 5 day on, 2 rest day weight lifting and weight training routine. In the winter I spent most of my time doing very little cardio and all heavy weight training. This is what most people would consider their “bulking” phase: putting on as much lean muscle mass while not focusing too much on dropping body fat or doing lots of cardio. When it starts to get warmer out I start to pull back on the heavier weight training and add in some cardio (HIIT cardio mostly) to help to burn the small amount of fat I do have covering my muscle to slowly uncover all the muscle I have been building during the colder months. Here is a glimpse of my training routine in the summer “cutting phase”.

The result was I will share below, let me know if you decide to join it and how it works for you:

My last six months of weight training progress 🙂 The Left was more moderate weight and some cardio, the right is after a full winter of heavy training and then now as I start to shed body fat %. 

Monday: Back/Biceps

  • Chin Ups (Wide Grip) 4×12
  • Chin Ups (Normal Grip) 4×10
  • Row Machine 4×12
  • T-Bar Rows 4×12
  • Dumbbell Curls 6×12
  • EZ Bar Curls 4×12
  • Straight Bar Cable Curls 4×12

Tuesday: Hamstrings/Calves

  • Lying Leg Curls 4×12
  • Seated Leg Curls 4×12
  • Deadlifts 4×10-15
  • Seated Calf Raises 8×20
  • Standing Calf Raises (Smith Machine) 6×20

Wednesday: REST

  • OFF

Thursday: Triceps/Shoulders

  • Standing Dumbbell Tricep Extensions 6×12
  • Skull Crushers EZ Bar 4 X 12
  • Rope Overhead Cable Extensions 4×12
  • Military Press 4×10
  • Dumbbell Shoulder Press 3×10
  • Upright Rows with EZ Bar 4×12
  • Side Lateral Raises 4×10

Friday: Legs

  • Lunges 4×12
  • Good Mornings 6×20
  • Leg Press (Single Leg) 4×15 (Each Leg)
  • Squats 4×12

Saturday: Abs & CARDIO

  • Hanging Knee Raises 4×12
  • Crunches 4×20
  • Crunch Machine 4×12
  • Crunches On Ball 4×20

Sunday: Rest

  • Off
Lower body is my favorite to train and I love seeing a little bit of progress every few months. Operation build that booty!
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The writer and creator of JerseyGirlTalk.com - a blog dedicated to inspiring and helping readers to feel and look their very best both inside and out. I love writing, photography, makeup, fashion and fitness.

1 Comment
  1. I just finished the first 12 week lifting program that you shared and am excited to start this next week. I’m 5’4″ and 150lbs. Eating is my biggest battle. Any help you could provide would be greatly appreciated!!