When it comes to hair extensions there is only one company that I buy from (Bellami Hair Extensions), but when I have the time, or change my hair color, I love to make my own clip in human hair extensions. I have been making my own for years so for me it is something I like to do. The most important thing is making sure you have a hair supply store local that you can go to and match your hair color as well as feel the hair thickness and texture. There is a place that I have been going to for years in Newark, NJ called Wig World on Halsey Street, near Rutgers University campus. They have been my tried and true go to hair supply store since I was in college (over 10 years!) and it’s the only time I know with 110% confidence and certainty that the hair color matches perfectly. That is the only downside to ordering hair extensions on line, you don’t know until they arrive if they will match. If they don’t, you can always take them to your hair stylist and have them dyed to match your hair (that is what I did with my Bellamis) – not a huge deal.

Here is what you will need as far as supplies to make your own hair extensions at home:
1. 1-2 packs of Remi human hair. I get straight hair and I am usually okay with one full pack. *Make sure the hair is human hair and that it is a weft of hair. A good quality pack of hair should go for around $85-$100. – click here
2. Salon Pro exclusive black hair bonding glue – click here
3. Brown or black sewing thread – click here
4. a rounded needle – click here
5. pair of scissors
6. an old towel you don’t mind ruining
7. brown wig clips – click here
I will link below where you can purchase these items online as well so it’s easy for your to get started!
Step by Step here we go!!
Step #1: Take your hair out of the packaging and unravel the wefts. You will want to cut the long weft into 4 smaller, even pieces. You are going to pair them together and wind up with 2 double wefts. Place one on top of the other so that the sewn top piece line up perfectly. Get your glue handy cause we are moving onto step two.
Step #2: now that you have a double weft laying together, lay out your old towel. You will likely get black bonding glue on the towel so make sure you don’t mind ruining this one. Once the two wefts are lined up put a long line of black bonding glue on the weft on the bottom. It doesn’t have to be perfect but make sure the glue is on all the areas and a little bit below the sewing line.
Step #3: While the glue is still wet and starting to dry you are going to lay the top weft of hair directly on top of the glue area and press down. You will get some glue on your hands and on the towel. The good news is this glue turns into a rubber mixture after it dries so you can just roll it off your hands into little balls of black glue. It wont stain your skin or hurt or peel it. Hold the wefts together so they can dry and you will now have a long double weft. This allows the extensions to be very thick.
Step #4: Let the wefts dry completely, this will take about 10-15 minutes. You will repeat this step for the other set of wefts and in the end have 2 large, double wefted strips of hair. Once the dry you are going to get your scissors and get ready to cut them into smaller pieces. Keep in mind to cut them in sections that will fit the base of your head and the longest would be from ear to ear. You should cut around 7-8 individual sections.
Step #5: Lay out your pieces now and make sure that you have the sections you plan to wear. I personally only make sections to go at the base of my head and from ear to ear. I don’t make clips for the front of my hair or the top sides of it, but if you needed that you would make smaller sections for those areas.
Step #6: Now you are ready to open up your wig clips and get your needle and thread ready. You will need 2 clips for the smaller sections and possibly 3 clips if you have a very long section (one on each end and for longer sections you need one in the center). You will need brown sewing thread that is pretty thick and wont snap or break. You will also need a needle that will go through the wig clip holes and the rounded needle is easier to use.
Step #7: Make sure that you put the wig clips with the teeth combs facing out. I’ve learned my mistake by not paying attention with this step and having to redo clips all over again. The sewing takes the longest time so make sure the clips are facing out since that is what catches your hair and holds them in place.
Step #8: always make sure to use multiple passes with your needle and thread, you want your clips to be very secure and tight. Always knot them at the end and you can tuck any extra string into the clip itself.
And there you have it, a complete set of human hair clip in extensions ready to go! I hope you can do these on your own if you have the time, it’s a fun DIY project that takes about 1-2 hours total from start to finish. This takes a long time, however you have much more control over the color and the quality of the hair when you go and shop for it in a hair supply store. You can touch and feel the hair and hold it up to your color, so there is no running to the salon to dye it and match it to your own hair. That is one downfall to buying extensions on line; the colors are never what you expect when they arrive.
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Hi Beautiful .. I’ve been meaning to let you know that I shared your post on diy clip in hair extensions with my hairdresser and she used to make me custom colored clip in hair extensions! Thank you for the idea and steps!
That is amazing
Hope they came out great