Last week I noticed my Yorkie was scratching herself more than usual. Most dogs have the occasional issue with dry skin, especially a week or two after going to the groomers – but this time it was different. She wouldn’t stop scratching at her belly and the sides of her belly. Every few minutes I would hear the thump, thump, thump of her leg hitting the floor as she went vigorously at herself to scratch and itch. She did it in the middle of the night, she did it all day. I couldn’t understand what was going on or what was causing her itching. Then when I looked at her little underside I saw red marks, blotches and even tiny scratches from where she was itching so badly. Something was going on and I wasn’t sure what it was.
Did she have fleas? (I didn’t see any bugs or flees or bites)
Did she have poison ivy? (most dogs don’t get poison ivy and it didn’t look like it either)
Was it a tick? (nope, I check her daily and she didn’t have any ticks or signs of having had one either)
I knew that my dog needed relief and fast. It scared me that I had never seen her itching and scratching so badly before and her poor body was red and irritated. She also started to bite her hind legs and lick them. I made an appointment to bring her into the vet for the next day. In the mean time I wanted to do something to soothe her poor skin. I washed her belly with a 99% natural oatmeal shampoo which is known to help calm and soothe irritated skin on pets. I washed just the belly area and she did seem to feel a bit better. I also put some antibacterial ointment on the two tiny scratches she had caused in her skin from her repeated pawing at herself. My poor baby was in so much discomfort and there was nothing I could do. I had a feeling though it might be allergies, since pollen and allergies have been really bad this year in New Jersey for humans – maybe it was doing the same thing to pets and animals?!

So we got in the car the next day and headed to our vet. The vet I use for Lola is in Montville, New Jersey and it is called the Montville Veterinary Group. The staff and doctor there were so amazing with her and even though my dog HATES the vet (the poor thing gets anxiety so bad she shakes and pants as soon as she walks in the door of any doctor office), she was calm and such a good girl with their team. I highly recommend them if you live in the area http://www.montvillevetgroup.com/
Once we got into the exam room the team started to ask questions. This was the first episode like this my dog has ever had, she is now a little over 3 years old. She started to itch about 1 week before and it just got worse and worse. Her eating pattern was the same. She was drinking a bit more water than normal but it is the summer and that’s expected. The doctor took a blood sample to rule out lyme disease and any other diseases she could contact from bugs or parasites. She was all clear with that test. After examining her skin all over the doctor said her skin was pink all over which is a big sign of allergies. Also, she had no bite marks so it was not ticks and after doing a comb test on her coat she showed no signs of fleas.
The doctor said this year 75% of her patients in the summer months have pets who have allergies. As with humans, dogs can develop new allergies after a few years. Even if they have never had allergies before, at around 3-4 years old they can start.
After looking at Lola’s skin the doctor was convinced she was having allergies or an allergic reaction. She said this could be due to environmental factors like pollen, dust, etc or an allergy to food. My dog eats mostly human food (bad, I know!) but thankfully this incident has pushed me to only feed her meat and now she is on Royal Canine food for Yorkshire Terriers. This will help to narrow down if it was food causing her reaction/allergies or the environment.
Click to buy and learn more about Royal Canine Dog Food for Yorkies
Lola was prescribed a special shampoo called Virbac Allermyl Dog Shampoo to do every week. I had always thought to only bathe her every other week or every 3 weeks since so much literature said more than that would cause dry skin. The vet said this was not true and that I should wash her once a week with this shampoo to help remove allergens. You wash them and let the shampoo sit for 5-10 minutes and then rinse out. I also let Lola air dry since I didn’t want to irritate her skin with a blow dryer. The shampoo and bath seemed to make her feel a lot better too.
Click here to buy Allermyl Dog Shampoo
Lola was also put on a 12 day course of an antihistamine & steroid pill. This was to help her stop itching and to stop the flair up. I have to say that after the second day on this medication her redness was almost gone and her itching and scratching was almost 80% gone! After 5 days her little tummy is back to normal color and her skin is no longer pink and irritated. The vet said if she was scratching I could put a small t shirt on her to prevent her from scratching her skin. I didn’t have to do that but it’s a good piece of advice.
If your dog is itching and scratching and you aren’t quite sure what is causing it, go to your vet to check out their skin. They might be able to determine the issue just by looking at them, or they may have to run some tests. If after a few days it didn’t go away on its own, it might be allergies. Some dogs have to stay on antihistamines for longer periods of time if the allergies are bad. Thankfully I have Pet Plan USA pet insurance who helped to cover some of her vet bill as well.

Thank you for posting this. My yorkie is doing the same thing!
I am going to try the things that you did for your Yorkie. It breaks my heart to see mine suffer. Thanks for all the info!!!!!
Thanks for the info, Educational….
My mini yorkie has been doing that for about a year but the last months she is scratching continually so it was great to see this article. Will have to bring her to vet thanks a bunch
You’re welcome, sadly mine still does it but i make sure when i take her to the groomer to tell them to cut and file her nails so they are not as sharp when she does scratch. poor thing cuts her skin up if they are not filed down a bit.
My yorkie (7 yrs old) has the same issues. Took her to the vet and was prescribed the same meds and same shampoo. Still scratching badly and on one side of her face in particular. I trim her nails myself so she hasn’t had any raw or scratches on her skin. Couple of small bumps on her back towards her tail about pea size. Any help on that.
My Yorker has itched for severel days non stop,, she’s almost 9 years old, she has seizures, and the vet prescribed her a shampoo that’s not working, I today have shampooed her once in the vets shampoo, then even in Dawn dish liquid, still no good results, but I recently changed her diet bc of her seizures,and age, the vet recommend to change the diet to a senior food, so” I’m thinking it’s the food, I’m going to try going back to her original diet and see what happens. Thank you for posting!!
Great information! Thank you so much! Very helpful!
I am going to try your shampoo. I use the dog food since she was 6 months old. She is now 4. I also have her on Temaril or Apoquel.
how do you like the apoquel? my dog has been on it two months. it works well if she takes it daily, if i miss a day she scratches up again
So thankful I ran across your blog! Our Yorkie has been itching for over a week. I tried hydrocortisone shampoo but it didn’t help. After reading your blog I bought GNC antifungal shampoo and bathed her tonight. The itching is already better! Huge improvement! Thank you so much for sharing your story!
Aw so glad to hear your baby is doing better! allergies are a killer this time of year
Thank you so much for the information! Our 3 year Yorkie is having the same exact issues. This was very helpful!
Hi, Did Lola stop scratching? My yorkie, Gracie, is going through the exact same thing!
yes but she is now on a daily dose of apoquil. she also had a massive allergic reaction this last few days. it is always happening
I have tried EVERYTHING, and my yorkie is still scratching himself with a frenzy! His name is Amos and I have had him for 2 years, and I was at the vet. with him within 2 weeks of getting him. He is a rescue dog and I truly believe that his former owners gave up on trying to figure out what the problem is! I have been to the vet at least 6 times with him. They change his flea meds. put him on steroids that does help him and clears up his skin but as soon as the steroids are gone the vicious cycle starts again. I have changed his food several times per Doctors orders, I have changed his shampoo, per Doctors orders. I just hate seeing him when he starts itching again! He draws blood, he rips out hair and I am just at my wits end! I will not see him suffer, and that is what Amos is doing! I would HATE to put my little guy down for allergies, but like I said, I will not watch an animal suffer and I think that maybe 2 years has been enough on him! Please if you know something that will help, I sure would love to hear good news!! Thank you!! Amos & Angela
That food actually caused my Yorkie to start scratching. so I have her on Royal Canin Veterinary Diet Selected Protein Adult PV Dry Dog Food — even when giving her treats.
Hi Lola is on Apoquil for long term. She takes a tiny half of a pill each day. She still does scratch and go at herself, more in the summer, but it’s a bit better. Just be very careful after you get their nails groomed because after when they are sharp it will cut up her skin quite bad.
Thank you for your advice. We have 2 silky terriers. Both are 5 years old. They both lick their front paws so bad. Did you use zyrtec or claritan?. Do you continue to use whatever worked. Also, where can we buy the Royal Canin dogfood.
My dog currently takes a prescription medication called Apoquel. (sp?)
You can get royal canine online with amazon
Thank you for all this information! Our little 6 yr old yorkie Kenie has been experiencing the exact symptoms. We just gave him allergy medication and will bathe him twice a week with a special shampoo. It’s always so tough to see our pets suffer, especially if we can’t help ease the discomfort. So glad my hubby found your blog! Thank you!
Hi Kimberly, thanks for visiting. My yorkie just received a new injection 2 months ago for her allergies. Apparently it’s new but she has NOT had nearly as much itching and redness since. It is so much better than taking the pills daily and she’s had such relief with it
Thank you for sharing your experience with your yorkie. I found this very helpful!
My 3 year old Yorkie has itched his head where I noticed a tiny raised bump. I checked it 2 days later and he scratched it open. Can I put Neosporin on it?
They do sell a spray you can use for open wounds that I believe is better for dogs: http://amzn.to/2jpZTkQ
Neopsorin is safe for dogs, but i have never used it.