Current skin care routine and top products – Anti Aging in your 20s & 30s

Our skin requires a lot of work and attention, especially the skin on our face. Taking good care of it is essential to staying youthful, fresh faced and radiant. It has certainly taken me a few years and testing out countless products to really find what works for me. I enjoy trying out new items from time to time, but all I really wanted was to find a regiment that would work consistently and not break the bank. I wanted to share my current skin care routine with you since I have been doing this for awhile now and feel confident was working for me. This does not include cleansers, but is more of the “after it all comes off” skin care favorites. From moisturizers to serums and everything that I use to help prevent aging and keeping my skin clean, clear and hydrated.
Something I have learned after I hit 30, is that I wish I took better care of my skin in my 20’s. I know we can’t literally turn back the hands of time, but I never really was taught how to take care of my skin. I battled with break outs a lot in my teenage years and into my 20’s, so most of my “skin care” routine always revolved around stopping or preventing pimples which dried out my skin. I don’t remember wearing any kind of moisturizers in my 20’s because everything made my oily skin even more oily, made my face feel shiny and greasy. I didn’t do any kind of night time regiment and I surely didn’t avoid the sun or wear sunscreen on my face. Thankfully now that I am over 30 I really do try to take good care of my skin and am able to still make a difference in its texture, complexion and elasticity. If the guy at the wine store keeps carding me, I guess that is a good sign I still don’t look old yet 🙂
So let’s quickly go over my skin so you all know what I’m working with: oily t-zone, occasional hormonal break outs, dry areas (nose and lips), discoloration, some dark spots from past acne scars or sun spots, lack of moisture, some blackheads occasionally on and around nose area.
Below is the list of the products that I use everyday, after I have either removed my day time makeup or in the morning before putting on my make up. For cleanser (which I didn’t include in this post) I use Derma E Exfoliating Fruit Enzymes Scrub with Dead Sea Salt Exfoliant. (click here). I used to think I should only exfoliate once a week, but this is an all natural scrub that is so gentle it doesn’t feel harsh at all. Since I do tend to have oily skin, I need something like this to get the gunk out at night and clear my pores. Otherwise the dirt, oil and sebum get stuck in my face and I break out. I also use Witch Hazel toner on a cotton ball after to remove any remaining oils on my skin to have a fresh slate. I use Thayers Rose Petal Witch Hazel (click here). After those two steps are completed we can move on to the fun stuff; the anti aging and moisturizing regiment:
Step #1 Serumtologie C Serum 22 – a Vitamin C, Hyalauronic Acid, Ferulic Acid and Vitamin E anti-aging treatment. This serum does not burn, irritate or cause redness like some Vitamin C serum can. It has a clear gel consistency and I use 5-7 drops in the morning and at night. At night I put this on first after cleansing and massage into my hands and then put all over my face and neck. It has no smell and feels invisible once it dries. I read a lot of good things about Vitamin C and Hyalauronic Acid to help prevent wrinkles. I take hyalauronic acid pills for my muscles and joints (I use Hydroplenish) but I knew it also had great properties to help plump up the skin and hydrate it. I got this on Amazon and it is a #1 best seller in the anti aging category. It cost me $35 and has tons of amazing reviews. In the morning I also apply this before putting on my daily moisturizer and makeup. I saw a lot of press pic up on this item after Dr. Oz had talked about the benefits of hyalaurnic acid, I was already an avid believe in hyalauronic acid and was happy to see that this particular product was also a high dose of Vitamin C. I was surprised that it didn’t irritate or tingle on the skin, but it feels like a cool mist and then dries invisibly. It’s a must have now for me day and night time.
Click here for Serumtologie C Serum 22
If you want to watch the Dr Oz video about vitamin c and hyalauronic acid you can click to watch it here.
Step #2: 100% Pure Organic Castor Oil by Cammile. I heard so many people talking about the benefits of castor oil for their eye brows and eyelashes so I bought it and started to use it. Castor oil is really good to help strengthen hair and I use it at night time on my eye lashes and eye brows. I just use a tiny amount and rub it on my eye brows and then with my thumb and pointer finger I rub it on my eyelashes and lash line. It is a cold pressed castor oil formulated for skin, hair and nails. I paid $15 online for this and it receives great reviews for women looking to regrow or grow longer eye lashes or eye brows. Make sure you get cold pressed and that it is a 100% pure natural form or you won’t see any benefits. I apply this at night and let it dry and it can absorb while I am sleeping. Don’t use too much though, just enough to line the lashes so you may want to use an eyeliner brush so you don’t put on too much and get it into your eyes. It won’t harm your eyes but it isn’t the most pleasant feeling.
Click here to learn more about Organic Castor Oil
Step #3: moroccan argan skin care oil. We’ve heard about argan oil in the last few years for its benefits for skin, hair and nails. Argan oil, in its natural form, is a great moisturizer that has multiple uses. I have just gotten more into using natural oils in my regiment and this one is less than $10, unlike say Jose Moran which can run you close to $40. To figure out if you are getting REAL high dose Moroccan argan oil the first indicator is the color of the bottle. It should always be dark, or amber color. This helps to prevent the breakdown of the properties of the oil. It should also have 1, maybe 2 ingredients max. It should also have a faint nutty scent and disappear into the skin once applied. The color is a organge/brown, not yellow and not bright orange. I use argan oil in a few ways;
I put 2-3 drops in my hot bath to help moisturize my skin. When in a hot bath you can strip some of the moisture from your skin so this helps me to put it right back in.
Apply 1-2 drops in your palms, work together, then apply to the ends of your just washed hair to moisturize dry ends.
Apply 1-3 drops onto your finger tips then dag to the area under your eyes and near your outer areas of your eyes.
I also apply argan oil to my hands near my cuticles to keep them from getting dry.
As you can see I prefer to use a lot of natural skin care products now that I am older. The less chemicals and junk, at least I feel, the better for my skin. Natural is the way I like to go now that I am a bit older, more conscious.
Click here to purchase 100% pure argan oil
Step #4: Kakadu Day Cream Daily Moisturizer. I had originally received a few of these Kakadu products as sample to try and I just kept on using it because I loved it! Moisturizer for me has been a tough nut to crack. It always felt heavy, oily, greasy or thick. This one is so soft, smooth and light weight and has not made me break out at all. It also contains Vitamin C and some other really great antioxidants to protect your skin from free radicals. I use this to add more moisture in the evening after my serum has dried and I also use it in the morning before I apply my face makeup. I also love the pump to dispense the lotion on this too. I use 1-2 small pumps for my entire face and then blend the rest into my neck too which is very important as you get older. It is a new must have in my skin care routine.
Kakadu Day Cream Daily Moisturizer – click here $16
Step #5: 100% Pure Super Fruits Balm Age Corrective. This little guy is one I don’t do every night but at least a handful of times a week. It is a tiny balm, similar to like a lip balm but a bit thicker, that you apply gentle to your eye area. It is small but mighty and I usually will use this if I have been wearing makeup and concealer more than usually to put moisture back into the gentle under eye area. I also will use this at night if I haven’t been getting the best night’s sleep and am looking a bit tired. It has a sweet smell to it, which I personally like, but some may not. It is a bit pricier, at about $26 but since you don’t use it everyday and it is something that doesn’t require a ton of product to use each time, it will surely last awhile. It’s great during the winter months when the wind and cold do a number on my skin.
Click here for 100% PURE Super Fruits Balm for Eyes
Step #6: Now Solutions Moroccan Red Clay Powder Facial Detox. This is something I treat myself to once a week, not every night but I did want to share it as part of my skin care routine. I got introduced to this product from a friend who said it did a world of good to really clear her pores out once a week. The product is a fine powder and is actually red.
I did another post dedicated to how to do this and will link that HERE. No makeup was used in the below photo, just a fresh face after removing the mask!
You add 1-2 scoops to water and then apply to your clean, dry face. It will have to sit under it begins to crack and dry, which takes about 10 minutes or so. Then you rinse it off and underneath is a glowing, fresh face! It feels like my skin is restarted and once a week I love to do it to remove anything lingering in my skin. It’s also very cheap at about $8 a jar, if not less! It will last you for over 20 masks at least and it has been used for centuries.
Click here for your red moroccan clay mask powder
And there you have it, a full over view of what is in my “skin care drawer” in my house at the moment. There are a ton of items that I get to test and try but these are the ones that made the final cut, at least for now during the colder, winter months. Overall I think going natural with your skin care is a great idea. I really don’t like to buy anything from the drug store anymore for my skin because it’s filled with a lot of ingredients that I can’t even spell or pronounce. If red clay and argan oil have been used by people for centuries I think I will stick with those. At least those have some real results unlike many anti aging products that really don’t do what they claim to do. I will work to do an updated skin care routine soon if these products do change.
What other posts would you like me to do related to skin care?