Healthy Haul Shopping Post – snacks, juicing and protein! Some items I recently purchased for my spring healthy eating & diet
Today I stopped to pick up some more healthy snacks, protein powder, protein bars, some cooking items as well as some groceries. I wanted to share what I picked up as some items were new and some are my usual favorites. Now that the weather is getting warmer I wanted to pick up some more snacks to pack in my bag with me on the go. Also I am going to get back on track with making green juice daily so I picked up some items to begin doing that this week at Trader Joe’s. It’s also full swing into grilling season so I picked up some items to fire up on the bbq! Lean meats are so important to keeping with your health and fitness routine so I make sure to pick up extra lean ground turkey, chicken or beef patties, natural or organic chicken breasts or cutlets and premade Trader Joe’s chicken packets that you can toss onto a salad or heat up and eat on the go. So let’s jump into what I picked up this past weekend!
For this week I was running low on Quest Bars so I picked up a box of my two favorite flavors: Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough & Apple Pie. I usually have at least 20 bars on hand at all times in my home so that I can grab them on the run out the door or put them in my purse or gym bag. I also bought a box of Ostrim meat sticks, which are low calorie, high in protein and half the sodium of a Slim Jim. These are good when I am in a pinch and need something to eat to give me some protein without lots of calories. They are 70 calories a stick so for me that’s always a safe bet when I need a quick fix. I also picked up a new tub of NutriWhey Cafe Cream Natural Whey protein powder, I ran out and have been using this in the morning mixed with ice, Starbucks unsweetened ice coffee and some almond milk or fat free organic milk. The protein powder has natural caffeine from ground bits of coffee beans in it so it’s good in the morning for me.
I also picked up some new snacks to try: C2O Baked Coconut Chips and Garden of Life Organic Summer Berries protein bar. I have not had either one of them yet so I only picked up the single servings to try them out. I also got some organic apple cider vinegar (I am working on a post to show you how to combine apple cider vinegar with aztec healing clay for a clarifying face mask!) and some Coconut Aminos. I picked up the Coconut Aminos since I was all out of my Bragg’s Liquid Aminos for stir fry, but the store was out so I am trying this one instead. I have read good things though so I will keep you posted in a future recipe post.
On top of my supplements shopping I went to Trader Joe’s for some groceries. As you will see from a recent post I have broken out my Nutribullet to start adding a green juice a day to my diet. I needed to stock up on the ingredients to make these as well as pick up some other healthy food items from my favorite grocery store. I needed to get a ton of organic produce; kale, spinach, carrots, apples, lemons, bananas and some edamame. This spring I have been watermelon so often because it helps crave a sweet tooth and also helps to get even more water into my diet. I am also leaning toward always buying organic when it is available and Trader Joe’s offers tons of organic fruits and vegetables for a good price. I also picked up some organic fat free milk (the only cow milk I will drink), some organic plain fat free yogurt (Trader Joe now makes their own brand), organic quick oats for oatmeal on the go and some fat free balsamic vinegarette dressing.
I also love their premade chicken packets – we eat them a lot so I buy a ton when I stop in the store. They make plain grilled chicken, lemon pepper and a balsamic and rosemary that are all very tasty! I always make sure I have a bunch of these ready for us to add on salad or throw into a quick stir fry. I also got some lean meats for grilling or making some lean meatballs.
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Thank you for sharing all this! I’m always struggling to find what I should be eating, new options, what tastes GOOD & not $$$$.
Where do you get your Ostrim & Questbars?
I buy mine at vitamin shoppe