Hello ladies, many of you have been asking me to share more of my workout routines. Many times when I share them I get a lot of emails asking what can be done at home instead. I know that sometimes getting to the gym is not easy for everyone’s busy schedules so I wanted to start to do some videos at the end of my workouts showing you some variations you can do at home for a circuit workout. When I do circuit training I like to do 5-8 exercises in a sequence, without a break, and then repeat the entire routine 3-5 times. Most of the time I do this on my non lifting days as a HIIT (high intensity interval training) routine to burn calories and help drop body fat.
I love doing plyometric and body weight or lighter weight weight exercises 1-2 times a week. It really challenges my core, my heart and gives me an overall great cardiovascular benefit as well. All of these videos will be hosted on my YouTube channel, which I am just starting to focus on and will be a work in progress. Make sure to subscribe and follow me over there 🙂
This workout can be completed in around 20 minutes if you do 4 rounds with 2-3 minutes rest in between each set. You will surely need some rest between sets because you will have your heart rate up! For this you will need a barbell, kettle bells
, a weighted medicine ball
, a mat
and a step up box
or you could use a bench as well.
A total body workout without the use of machines to help burn calories and gain muscle. This exercise is done in a circuit style for 4 rounds. It includes:
– 10 weighted ball slams/squat
– Weighted walking lunges
– Stiff leg deadlift into push press/shoulder press
– Box step up into reverse lung
– 10 box jumps
– Basic medicine ball crunch
– Oblique side ab work
Make sure to stretch after your workout for about 15 minutes. If you want to get a pretty accurate idea of how many calories you burn doing this sequence I’d highly suggest investing in a Polar Watch FT7 which I used to figure out how much I was burning doing any weight training or body weight activities. – Good Luck!

I did this one today! Feels great! How many calories do you think you burn…it took me about 25 minutes, the last circuit was a little slower than the other ones!
The only way to really tell is wearing a heart rate monitor. Since its 25 minutes of non stop challenging activity i would say 175-200 easily!
What kind of wireless headphones do you use for your work out?